Tuesday, 1 April 2008

April 1st.

At least the rain had stopped as the couple followed the guide through the night-black jungle. He was half a head shorter than either of them and had a weak flashlight that he waved back and forth, sometimes shining on their feet to see the not-quite path beneath them, sometimes shining forward to see what was ahead. What was ahead seemed to be a neverending slog through damp jungle; broad, flat leaves slapping them wetly in the face as they passed.

"Here! Here!" The guide excitedly waggled his hand to indicate something. (His name) and (her name) crept forward hoping against hope, but were confused and disappointed.

In the small clearing before them was a deep pit which had previously been covered by thin tree branches, but these were nearly all gone or broken; no one had used this place for some time.

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